catch ~Next ~Previous ~Home! See also Patrol and Business software!
ZetaSeries Military Helicopter Xi Software:
[001]~ Mission
[002]~ Theater
[003]~ Network
[004]~ Manned vehicles
[005]~ Hatching
[006]~ Target
[007]~ Navigation
[008]~ Schedule
[009]~ Dropping sensors
[010]~ Xi Sensoring
[011]~ Base4Xi
[012]~ Sensor4Xi
[013]~ Sensored data
[014]~ Commands
[015]~ Resources
[016]~ Messages
[017]~ Logic
[018]~ Operating system
[019]~ Forces
[020]~ Environment
[021]~ Context
[022]~ M+
[023]~ Simulation Software
[024]~ High Level Architecture (HLA)
[025]~ Joint Tactical Radio System
[026]~ SCA /Software Defined Radios(SDR)
[027]~ SCA / Waveforms
[028]~ Software Communications Architecture (SCA)
[029]~ Ontology
[030]~ Java Platform
[031]~ Common Operating System
[032]~ Database Management System
[033]~ System Development

[001]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Mission
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's mission
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's mission
Xi class:
~ MissionManagerXi
~ methods: start, survey, sensor, drop sensors, collect sensor data, report, communicate, rest, stop
~ tailored: rapid deployment to remote nuclear power station and unmanned operating there
~ manages Xi's flying near nuclear power station
~ handles mission goals, orders, reports, messages

catch: ~[content] ~[next]!

[002]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Theater
Base class:
~ military standard theater
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's theater
Xi class:
~ TheaterManagerXi
~ methods: give map, show target, give obstacles, show forces...
~ tailored: tailored to Xi, navy,air force, army, surveillance of nuclear power station
~ handles location information
~ checks maps around nuclear power station, wheather in that area, obstacles, Base4Xis to be dropped there

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[003]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Network
Base class:
~ military standard network
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's network
Xi class:
~ NetworkManagerXi
~ methods: make connection, give status, show resources...
~ tailored: wireless Sensor4Xi networks, network between Base4Xi,Xi, MILITARY NET
~ takes care of all networking operations during mission

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[004]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Manned vehicles
Base class:
~ military manned air vehicle
Sub classes:
~ military rotary wing air vehicle
Xi class:
~ MannedVehicleManagerXi
~ methods: download software, download mission instructions, tell about dropping, confirm hatching...
~ tailored: fighter deploying Xi to target area such as oil field due to fire, for example
~ manages communication, messages, refuelling, collaboration with Base4Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[005]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Hatching
Base class:
~ n/a - to be developed
Sub classes:
~ n/a- to be developed
Xi class:
~ HatchingManagerXi
~ tailored: Xi is capable to hatch in the air after being dropped by a fighter
~ methods: release, confirm...
~ manages all phases of hatching,
~ communicates with a fighter dropping Xi
~ reports to a nearest Base4Xi, if there is one in area
~ starts mission

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[006]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Target
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's target
Sub classes:
~ target for military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's
Xi class:
~ TargetManagerXi
~ tailored: target might be a nuclear power station
~ methods: show location, give resources around, tell dimensions...
~ manages targets by taking care of having the latest information
~ finds out target location and architecture in Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[007]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Navigation
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's navigation
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's navigation
Xi class:
~ NavigationManagerXi
~ tailored: Xi registers where it drops Sensors4Xi and uses them also to navigate
~ methods: show sensors along route, give location information...
~ manages routes by knowing route nodes, landscape, obstacles, length, sensors dropped
~ avoids collisions, registers remarkable points,
~ handles digital map, receives instructions for navigation from Base4Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[008]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Schedule
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's schedule for a mission
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's schedule for a mission
Xi class:
~ ScheduleManagerXi
~ tailored: unmanned & autonomous Xi operating in a remote theater
~ methods: download, give, update, upload ...
~ schedules sensor dropping, collection of sensor data, flying, sheltering, refuelling

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[009]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Dropping sensors
Base class:
~ military dropping sensors from fixed wing UAV
Sub classes:
~ military dropping sensors from rotary wing UAV
Xi class:
~ DroppingManagerXi
~ tailored: Xi registers Sensor4Xi location and reports it to Base4Xi
~ methods: start, drop, register, stop, pause, schedule ...
~ handles dropping of sensors to required positions,
~ dropping new sensors to target area, if necessary
~ dropping sensors around Base4Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[010]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Xi Sensoring
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's sensoring
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's sensoring
Xi class:
~ SensoringManagerXi
~ tailored: Xi has it's own sensors
~ methods: start, stop ...
~ manages Xi's sensoring tasks and sensor database

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[011]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Freedom base Base4Xi
Base class:
~ military standard base
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned base
Xi class:
~ Base4XiManagerXi
~ tailored: Xi knows only the Base4Xis it is allowed to know in target area
~ methods: order more fuel, refuel, receive sensored data, download software & instructions...
~ manages collaboration with Base4Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[012]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Freedom Sensors Sensor4Xi
Base class:
~ military standard sensor
Sub classes:
~ wireless military sensor
Xi class:
~ Sensor4XiManagerXi
~ tailored: security i.e. only Xi which has dropped Sensor4Xi is typically allowed to communicate with it
~ methods: give sensor data, receive software and instructions, stop, erase yorself...
~ manages sensors Xi drops by establishing communication with them,
~ by uploading sensor data and downloading software updates and instructions to sensors

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[013]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Sensored data
Base class:
~ military standard sensor data
Sub classes:
~ wireless sensor data from smart sensors
Xi class:
~ SensoredDataManagerXi
~ tailored: sensor data Xi collects from Sensors4Xi and from it's own sensors
~ methods: save, download...
~ handles sensored data by tagging it and by making it ready for downloading to Base4Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[014]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Commands
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's commands
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's commands
Xi class:
~ CommandManagerXi
~ tailored: commands from Base4Xi and from MILITARY NET to Xi
~ methods: receive, perform...
~ manages command queues, command handling, priorities

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[015]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Resources
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's resources
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's resources
Xi class:
~ ResourceManagerXi
~ tailored: Xi's own resources, Base4Xi, Sensor4Xis, resources in theater, MILITARY NET
~ methods: give fuel amount for mission, to return to Base4Xi...
~ manages resources minimizing resource, such as fuel usage
~ maximizing sensor usage by optimizing sensor locations

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[016]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Messages
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's messages
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's messages
Xi class:
~ MessageManagerXi
~ tailored: messages between Xi and Base4Xi, Sensors4Xi and MILITARY NET
~ methods: receive, send, store, queue...
~ manages messages, receiving, sending, storing, handling, queueing

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[017]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Logic
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's logic
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's logic
Xi class:
~ LogicManagerXi
~ tailored: fuzzy logic is being used for missions
~ methods: n/a
~ uses fuzzy logics

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[018]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Operating system
Base classes:
OS 1: Mobile Base Station OS
OS 2: Server OS
OS 3: Networked & embedded OS
OS 4: Mobile phone OS
OS 5: Sensor OS
Tailored & dedicated:
OS 1: to communication and networking with network, Base4Xi and Sensor4Xis
OS 2: to server functions such handling sensor data Xi collects from Sensors4Xi it has dropped
OS 3: to real-time tasks such as navigation and handling of Xi's own sensors and cameras
OS 4: to mobile communication - Xi embeds mobile camera phones with multimedia messaging capabilities
OS 5: to sensor embedded inside Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next] ~[Operating_System]!

[019]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Forces
Base class:
~ forces with military unmanned air vehicle
Sub classes:
~ forces with military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle
Xi class:
~ ForcesManagerXi
~ tailored: special operation forces, commandors, marines...
~ methods: get, update, communicate...
~ manages information about forces in theater, it may send help
~ message to Base4Xi, which may alarm a person connected to Base4Xi with FD1/FD2 device

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[020]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Environment
Base class:
~ military unmanned air vehicle's environment
Sub classes:
~ military unmanned rotary wing air vehicle's environment
Xi class:
~ EnvironmentManagerXi
~ tailored: surveillance, reconnaissance, nuclear power station, Iraq, Persian Gulf area ...
~ methods:
Description: give wheather, tell obstacles...
~ manages environment data about that specific area taking into account
~ desert heat, storms, day times, landscapes, obstacles

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]!

[021]~ Military Helicopter Xi Software: Context
Base class:
~ military standard context with unmanned air vehicles
Sub classes:
~ military standard context with unmanned rotary wing air vehicles
Xi class:
~ ContextManagerXi
~ tailored: Persian Gulf area, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Iran
~ methods: give, update, get, upload ...
~ manages context by taking into account specific features
~ of oil industry, oil pipelines, oil refineries specially in Persian Gulf area

catch: ~[content] ~[previous]~[next]

[022] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ M+
M+ explored:
~ any fighter may drop Xi
~ pod such as Lockheed Martin Sniper XR targeting pod is technically one alternative to drop Xi
~ helmet-mounted cueing system (HMCS) may give information where to drop Xi
~ Xi could be part of Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)
~ Data collected,which Xi collects from sensors and sensors by itself, and which Xi downloads to Base4Xi, could be uploaded to fighters by Base4Xi
~ Link 16 protocol could be used between Base4Xi and fighters

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[JDAM] ~[M+]!

[023] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ Simulation Software
Simulation Software
~ Simulation software is being used for Xi and also to Base4Xi
~ Base4Xi can simulate Xi's route and activities after downloading new instructions from command and control center

~ The Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO) is the catalyst organization for Department of Defense (DoD)
~ modeling and simulation (M&S)

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next]!

[024] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ High Level Architecture (HLA)
High Level Architecture (HLA)
~ HAL could be used both to Xi and Base4Xi

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[HLA]!

[025] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ Joint Tactical Radio System
Joint Tactical Radio System
~ Xi is prepared to use JTA.
~ The functionality and expandability of the Joint Tactical Radio System is built upon the Software Communications Architecture (SCA)
~ The SCA is an open architecture framework that tells designers how elements of hardware and software are to operate in harmony within the JTRS

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[Joint Tactical Radio System]!

[026] Xi's Software ~ Military helicopter: SCA /Software Defined Radios(SDR)
SCA /Software Defined Radios(SDR)
~ SCA and SDR can be used, if required.
~ Also Base4Xi may use SCA for tasks with Xi.

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[SCA]!

[027] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ SCA / Waveforms
SCA / Waveforms
~ SCA waveforms are used with SCA.

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[SCA_Waveform]!

[028] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ Software Communications Architecture (SCA)
Software Communications Architecture (SCA)
~ SCA is being explored

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[SCA]!

[029] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ Ontology
~ Ontology technology is being used to build ontologies to Xi (and Base4Xi, Sensor4Xi) and applications
~ building ontology is essential for network centric operations, where Xi operates
~ unmanned and autonomous features of Xi require ontologies as well as reasoners and knowledge bases
~ ontologies will help Xi and Base4Xi to communicate with each others and Base4Xi to communicate with command and control center

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[Ontology]!

[030] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ Java Platform
Java Platform
~ in certain cases java can be a software platform to use with other platforms

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[Java]!

[031] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ Common Operating System
Common Operating System
~ being explored; COS is the new operating system designed for J-UCAS and for networked battle space

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[Common_Operating_System]!

[032] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ Database Management Systems

Xi embeds DBMSs and is connected to several DBMSs.

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[next] ~[Database_Management_System]!

[033] Xi's Software ~ Military Helicopter: ~ System Development
System Development:
Xi system development is based on the latest modern system engineering and development practices.
The goal is to foster international collaboration, to use and develop industry standards.

catch: ~[content] ~[previous] ~[System_Development]!

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