Software Organization Sensing Δ 24th of July 2017 Ω 8:51 AM

yourDragonXi~ Zope
yourDragonXi~ Plone
yourDragonXi~ Silicon Valley Robotics
yourDragonXi~ Python
yourDragonXi~ Grok - Zope 3 Web Framework
yourDragonXi~ Lustre
yourDragonXi~ Debian
yourDragonXi~ Free Software Foundation
yourDragonXi~ GNU
yourDragonXi~ Linux Standard Base
yourDragonXi~ Linux Foundation
yourDragonXi~ X.Org Foundation
yourDragonXi~ Gnome
yourDragonXi~ K Desktop Environment (KDE)
yourDragonXi~ Kernel
yourDragonXi~ UAS Control Segment (UCS) Architecture
yourDragonXi~ PyQt
yourDragonXi~ Linux Foundation
yourDragonXi~ FreeDOS
yourDragonXi~ Ubuntu Forums
yourDragonXi~ Cocotron Objective-C
yourDragonXi~ European Open File System
yourDragonXi~ OpenGL
yourDragonXi~ Go Programming Language
yourDragonXi~ Blender
yourDragonXi~ ICANN
yourDragonXi~ Tizen
yourDragonXi~ Android
yourDragonXi~ Open Compute Project (OCP)
yourDragonXi~ Intelligence
yourDragonXi~ Caffe
yourDragonXi~ BAIR

«Software Sensing


yourDragonXi ~ Zope


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yourDragonXi ~ Plone

»Sites using Plone

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yourDragonXi ~ Silicon Valley Robotics

»Silicon Valley Robotics

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yourDragonXi ~ Python

»Python Daily

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yourDragonXi ~ Grok - Zope 3 Web Framework

»Grok - Zope 3 Web Framework

Grok is a web application framework for Python developers
ξ is aimed at both beginners and very experienced web developers
ξ has an emphasis on agile development
ξ is easy and powerful
ξ is based on Zope 3
ξ benefits a lot from Zope 3, but you do not need to know Zope at all in order to get productive with Grok

Grok is agile
ξ Grok doesn't require you to edit cryptic configuration files
ξ Instead you just program in Python and create HTML templates
ξ Beyond this, Grok also offers a wide range of built-in features at your fingertips,
ξ from automated form generation to an object database
ξ This way, Grok gives you both power and quick satisfaction during development. Grok is fun.
ξ has an extensive tutorial that helps you to get started
ξ and thanks to grokproject, you'll be able to create your first web app with Grok in no time

Grok is grounded in a deep experience with web development
ξ Grok, through Zope 3, is informed by hard-earned wisdom
ξ Zope 3 is a powerful and flexible web application framework for Python that has been under continuous development since 2001
ξ Zope 3's design in turn is based on experience with the Zope 2 platform,
ξ which has been under continuous development (starting with Bobo, Principia and then Zope 1) since 1997
ξ The Zope community is supported by an independent foundation, the Zope Foundation
ξ The Zope community has been around for a while.
ξ We've built a lot and learned a lot.
ξ We are in this for the long run.

"Hello world" in Grok
import grok

class HelloWorld(grok.Application, grok.Model):

class Index(grok.View):

index = grok.PageTemplate("""



»Example Download

ξ host

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yourDragonXi ~ Lustre


Air Force Distributed Mission Site Reference Imagery Transition Program
InfiniBandC wide-area-network
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) HPC computer
several Intel many-core processors such as 576 Intel Phi
56-gigabit InifiniBand network
Lustre file system
contractors: Exelis, AF DCGS, Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin, L-3 Communications, Northrop Grumman, Leidos, UTAS, Houston-Fearless, General Dynamics...

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yourDragonXi ~ Debian

ξ a free operating system (OS) for your computer
ξ uses the Linux kernel (the core of an operating system)
ξ most of the basic OS tools come from the GNU project; hence the name GNU/Linux

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yourDragonXi ~ Free Software Foundation

»Free Software Foundation

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yourDragonXi ~ GNU


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yourDragonXi ~ Linux Standard Base

»Linux Standard Base

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yourDragonXi ~ Linux Foundation

»Linux Foundation

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yourDragonXi ~ X.Org Foundation

»X.Org Foundation

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yourDragonXi ~


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yourDragonXi ~ Gnome


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yourDragonXi ~ K Desktop Environment (KDE)

»K Desktop Environment (KDE)

General Overview
ξ KDE or the K Desktop Environment, is a network transparent contemporary desktop environment for UNIX workstations.
ξ KDE seeks to fulfill the need for an easy to use desktop for UNIX workstations,
ξ similar to desktop environments found on Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
ξ The UNIX operating system is according to us the best available today.
ξ When it comes to stability, scalability and openness UNIX has no competition.
ξ In fact UNIX has been the undisputed choice of information technology professionals for many years.
ξ The lack of an easy to use contemporary desktop environment, however,
ξ has prevented UNIX from finding its way onto desktops of typical computer users in offices and homes.
ξ UNIX today dominates the server market and is the preferred computing platform for computing professionals and scientists alike.
ξ The Internet, a household name traces its heritage to UNIX.
ξ Inspite of such ubiquitous creations from the UNIX community,
ξ average computer users still expect it to be difficult to use and often stay away.
ξ This fact is particularly unfortunate since a number of implementations of UNIX,
ξ all of which are of exceptional quality and stability (Debian GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD etc.) are freely available off the Internet.

KDE The Desktop Environment
ξ The KDE project aims to change all that.
ξ KDE now provides an easy to use contemporary desktop environment available for UNIX and compatible systems.
ξ Together with a free implementation of UNIX such as GNU/Linux, UNIX/KDE
ξ constitutes a completely free and open computing platform available to anyone free of charge.
ξ Source code is available for anyone to look at, learn from, modify and improve.
ξ Whilst there is always room for improvement, KDE today delivers a viable feature packed alternative to the more commonly found commercial operating systems/desktops combinations available.
ξ It is our hope and continued ambition that KDE will bring open, reliable, stable and monopoly-free computing
ξ enjoyed by scientists and computing professionals world-wide to the everyday user.

KDE The Application Development Framework
ξ KDE also brings to the forefront many innovations for application developers.
ξ An entire infrastructure has been designed and implemented to help programmers create robust and comprehensive applications in the most efficient manner,
ξ eliminating the complexity and tediousness of general UNIX application development.
ξ KDE recognizes the fact that a computing platform is only as good as the first class applications available to users.
ξ KDE's application framework, implements the latest advances in framework technology positioning it in direct competition with popular development frameworks like Microsoft's MFC/COM/ActiveX technology etc.
ξ KDE's innovative KParts compound document technology enables developers to quickly create first rate applications using cutting edge technology.

KDE The Office Application Suite
ξ Leveraging the KDE application development framework a great number of applications have been built for the K Desktop Environment.
ξ A selection of those applications is contained in the KDE base distribution.
ξ At this moment KDE is developing a complete office application suite based on KDE's innovative KParts technology.
ξ This modern day office suite offers spread-sheet applications, presentation creators, organizers, news clients and much more.
ξ KPresenter, a part of this application suite has already been successfully used for many presentations.

The Current KDE distribution
ξ KDE-Bindings: bindings for various programming languages (Python, Ruby, Perl, Java...)
ξ Web development applications and tools.

KDE Facts and Figures
ξ The KDE SVN source code repository holds currently over 4.0 million lines of code
ξ compare to The Linux kernel version 2.5.71 consists of about 3.7 million lines of code
ξ Over 1900 contributors help to develop KDE
ξ The translation team itself consists of about 300 individuals
ξ 11,014 SVN commits were made during May 2002
ξ KDE has more than 20 official website mirrors in over 14 countries
ξ KDE has more than 130 official download mirrors in over 40 countries

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yourDragonXi ~ Kernel


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yourDragonXi ~ UAS Control Segment (UCS) Architecture

»UAS Control Segment (UCS) Architecture

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yourDragonXi ~ PyQt


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yourDragonXi ~ Linux Foundation

»Linux Foundation

»Linux Standard Base(BS)
ξ delivers interoperability between applications and the Linux operating system
ξ all major distributions comply with the LSB
ξ many major application vendors, like MySQL, RealNetworks and SAP, are certifying
ξ offers a cost-effective way for application vendors to target multiple Linux distributions while building only one software package
ξ for end-users, the LSB and its mark of interoperability preserves choice
ξ by allowing them to select the applications and distributions they want while avoiding vendor lock-in
ξ LSB certification of distributions results in more applications being ported to Linux and
ξ ensures that distribution vendors are compatible with those applications
ξ LSB ensures Linux does not fragment
ξ If you are an end user looking for Linux distributions that support open standards, please see our list of LSB certified products
ξ If you are a developer looking to build portable Linux applications that will work on these distributions, please see the Linux Developer Network.

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yourDragonXi ~ FreeDOS


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yourDragonXi ~ Ubuntu Forums

»M3N78-EMH HDMI in Ubuntu Forums
ξ ASUS M3N78-EMH HDMI is the motherboard which should run Debian Linux

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yourDragonXi ~ Cocotron Objective-C

»Cocotron Objective-C

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yourDragonXi ~ European Open File System

»European Open File System

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yourDragonXi ~OpenGL


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yourDragonXi ~Go Programming Language


ξ an open source project to make programmers more productive
ξ expressive, concise, clean, and efficient
ξ its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs
ξ that get the most out of multicore and networked machines,
ξ while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction
ξ compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and
ξ the power of run-time reflection
ξ a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language

Concurrency, Channels, Threads
ξ Mutex: Lock and Unlock
ξ Select: lets a goroutine to wait on multiple operations
ξ Sender cal close the channel
ξ Buffered Channels
ξ Channels: Send (ch <- v) and Receive v := <-ch)
ξ Threads: go f(x,y,z) starts a new goroutine running f(x,y,z)
ξ Processes missing ?

Go does not have classes!
However, you can define methods on types.
A method is a function with a special receiver argument.
The receiver appears in its own argument list between the func keyword and the method name.
In this example, the Abs method has a receiver of type Vertex named v.
package main
import (
type Vertex struct {
X, Y float64
func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)
func main() {
v := Vertex{3, 4}
package main
import (
func main() {
m := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100))
fmt.Println(m.At(0, 0).RGBA())

ξ import (
Exported names
In Go, a name is exported if it begins with a capital letter.
For example, Pizza is an exported name, as is Pi, which is exported from the math package.
When importing a package, you can refer only to its exported names.
Any "unexported" names are not accessible from outside the package.

A function can take zero or more arguments

Basic types
int int8 int16 int32 int64
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
byte // alias for uint8
rune // alias for int32
// represents a Unicode code point
float32 float64
complex64 complex128

Go language compared to Python
ξ »From Python to Go and Back Again
ξ »What-advantages-does-the-Go-programming-language-have-over-Python-or-vice-versa
ξ »Why-do-a-lot-of-people-hate-Java-but-advocate-Golang-Go-Language
ξ »why_are_people_ditching_python_for_go
ξ »why-i-went-from-python-to-go-and-not-nodejs
ξ »SnapRoute
ξ »Go vs. Python
ξ has its benfits and disadvanages; suits and does not suit for certain applications
ξ not so mature as Python

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yourDragonXi ~Blender


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yourDragonXi ~ICANN

»Arabic Domain Names

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yourDragonXi ~Tizen

ξ resides within the Linux Foundation
ξ Samsung, Intel, Nokia, meego, Jolla Sailfish history
ξ HTML 5
ξ 32-bit

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yourDragonXi ~Android

ξ Linux
ξ Google
ξ 64-bit coming
ξ java based development!

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yourDragonXi ~Open Compute Project (OCP)

»Open Compute Project (OCP)

»Open Compute Networking Project
is creating a set of technologies that are disaggregated and fully open,
allowing for rapid innovation in the network space
aim to facilitate the development of network hardware and software – together with trusted project validation and testing –
in a truly open and collaborative community environment
bringing to networking the guiding principles that OCP has brought to servers & storage,
to give end users the ability to forgo traditional closed and proprietary network switches
- in favor of a fully open network technology stack
initial goal is to develop a top-of-rack (leaf) switch,
while future plans target spine switches and other hardware and software solutions in the space

»Using opencompute-networking
Note: powered by Python and Mailman

»Energy efficiency
Facebook's Prineville, Oregon, data center has a power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 1.09
which is significantly better than the EPA's best practice PUE of 1.5 for the technology sector
Facebook is also committed to reporting WUE — Water Usage Effectiveness
In 2013 Facebook launched dashboards that show realtime values for PUE, WUE
traditional inline UPS system was also eliminated
removed 480V to 208V transformation
Ethernet-powered LED lighting
Prineville data center achieved the US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification


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yourDragonXi ~Intelligence

ξ MIRI focuses on AI approaches that can be made transparent
ξ e.g., precisely specified decision algorithms, not genetic algorithms,
ξ so that humans can understand why AI systems behave as they do
ξ preference for languages with dependent types, such as
ξ »Agda
ξ »Coq
ξ »Lean

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yourDragonXi ~Caffe

ξ a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind
ξ developed by »BAIR

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yourDragonXi ~BAIR

»Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) Lab
ξ »Sponsors (Huawei,Nokia,Intel...)
ξ »Learning to reason with neural module networks

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