Θ Organization of Snow Realm Sensing Δ 17th of October 2016 Ω 10:26 AM

yourDragonXi~ Snow Leopard
yourDragonXi~ IUCN
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
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yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
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yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
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yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ
yourDragonXi~ sense for Ξ

«ΘRealm Sensing


yourDragonXi ~ Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard
ξ also known as an "ounce"
ξ these beautiful felines are one of the most elusive mammals in the world
ξ snow leopards have been declared the National Heritage Animal of both Pakistan and Afghanistan
ξ International Snow Leopard Day is on Oct. 23

1. They like to live the high life
ξ are found across alpine and subalpine mountain ranges of Central and South Asia
ξ starting out on the west of Siberia's Lake Baikal,
ξ range swerves across the Five Stans and
ξ into Afghanistan and Pakistan
ξ before making its way through the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau
ξ according to the Snow Leopard Trust, the species prefers
ξ the broken terrain of cliffs,
ξ rocky outcrops and ravines which is the kind if habitat providing good cover and
ξ clear views to help them find prey, and sneak up on it

2. Their bodies are built for bitter, snowy climates
ξ everything about a snow leopard's body has been optimized for frigid mountain environments
ξ stocky bodies
ξ thick fur
ξ long tails that help them balance on rocky alpine terrain
ξ large nasal cavities that help them breathe thin, cold air and small
ξ rounded ears that minimize heat loss
ξ capable to use their extra long, thick tail as a blanket for their face while sleeping

3. They use their wide paws like snow shoes
ξ another cold climate adaptation these kitties are famous for are their massive, chunky paws
ξ their sizeable width allows the cats to better distribute their weight while walking in the snow
ξ they're also lined with extra fur on their paw pads, which provides traction against icy surfaces

4. They're endangered
ξ listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
ξ populations declining by at least 20 percent in the past two decades
ξ currently between 4,000 and 7,000 individuals left in the wild
ξ major threats prey base depletion, illegal trade, conflict with local people and lack of conservation capacity, policy and awareness

5. They live longer than any other big cat species
ξ an average lifespan of 15 to 18 years — the greatest longevity of any other big cat

6. They can't roar
ξ has something to do with an absence of certain larynx features that lions and other roaring big cats have
ξ communicate through hisses, growls, wails and
ξ chuffing, which is a short, non-threatening vocalization that is used in greeting between two cats

7. avoid humans
ξ wise!

8. They're a secretive bunch
ξ most active at dawn and dusk
ξ have perfect camouflage to stay hidden in snowy mountain terrain

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yourDragonXi ~ IUCN


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