AACS: Airborne Air Control Squadron
AATC: ANG/AFRC Test Center
ABW: Air Base Wing
ACC: Air Combat Command
ACCS: Airborne Command Control Squadron
ACW: Air Control Wing
ADS: Air Demonstration Squadron
AETC: Air Education and Training Command
AEG: Air Expedition Group
AEW: Air Expeditionary Wing
AFAF: Air Force Auxiliary Field
AFFSA: Air Foce Flight Standards Agency
AFFTC: Air Force Flight Test Center
AFMC: Air Force Material Command
ARRC: Air Force Resource Center
AFSPC: Air Force Space Command
AG: Airlift Group
AGRS: Aggressor Squadron
AHP: Army Helicopter
ALF: Airlift Flight
AMC: Air Mobility Command
AMCAOS: Air Mobility Command Air Operations Squadron
AMW: Air Mobility Wing
ANG: Air National Guard
ANGB: Air National Guard Base
ANGS: Air National Guard Station
AP: Airport
ARB: Air Reserve base
ARG: Air Refuelling Group
ARS: Air Reserve Station/Air Refuelling Squadron
ARW: Air Refuelling Wing
AS: Airlift Squadron
AS: Air Station
ASF: Aviation Standards Flight
AT: Airmanship Trainer
ATRS: Aerial Targets Squadron
AW: Air Wing
AWC: Air Warfare Center
BS: Bomb Squadron
BW: Bomb Wing
CAP: Country Airport
CRW: Contingency Response Wing
CTF: Combined Test Force
CTS: Combat Training Squadron
Det. Detachment
DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency
DSCA: Defense Security Cooperation Agency
EARS: Expeditionary Air Refuelling Squadron
EAS: Expeditionary Airlift Squadron
ECS: Electronic Combat Squadron
EFS: Expeditionary Fighter Squadron
EMTF: Expeditionary Mobility Task Force
EOS: Expeditionary Operations Squadron
ERQS: Expeditionary Rescue Squadron
FG: Fighter Group
FLTF: Flight Test Group
FLTS: Flight Test Squadron
FS: Fighter Squadron
FW: Fighter Wing
FTG: Flying Training Group
FTS: Flying Training Squadron
FTU: Formal Training Unit
FTW: Flying Training Group
HF: Helicopter Flight
HQ USEUCOM Headquarters US European Command
HS: Helicopter Squadron
IAP: International Airport
JRB: Joint Reserve Base
MAP: municipal Airport
MATS: Material Squadron
AACS: Airborne Air Control Squadron
AATC: ANG/AFRC Test Center
ABW: Air Base Wing
ACC: Air Combat Command
ACCS: Airborne Command Control Squadron
ACW: Air Control Wing
ADS: Air Demonstration Squadron
AETC: Air Education and Training Command
AEG: Air Expedition Group
AEW: Air Expeditionary Wing
AFAF: Air Force Auxiliary Field
AFFSA: Air Force Flight Standards Agency
AFFTC: Air Force Flight Test Center
AFMC: Air Force Material Command
ARRC: Air Force Resource Center
AFSPC: Air Force Space Command
AG: Airlift Group
AGRS: Aggressor Squadron
AHP: Army Helicopter
ALF: Airlift Flight
AMC: Air Mobility Command
AMCAOS: Air Mobility Command Air Operations Squadron
AMW: Air Mobility Wing
ANG: Air National Guard
ANGB: Air National Guard Base
ANGS: Air National Guard Station
AP: Airport
ARB: Air Reserve Base
ARG: Air Refueling Group
ARS: Air Reserve Station/Air Refueling Squadron
ARW: Air Refueling Wing
AS: Airlift Squadron
AS: Air Station
ASF: Aviation Standards Flight
AT: Airmanship Trainer
ATRS: Aerial Targets Squadron
AW: Air Wing
AWC: Air Warfare Center
BS: Bomb Squadron
BW: Bomb Wing
CAP: Country Airport
CRW: Contingency Response Wing
CTF: Combined Test Force
CTS: Combat Training Squadron
Det. Detachment
DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency
DSCA: Defense Security Cooperation Agency
EARS: Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron
EAS: Expeditionary Airlift Squadron
ECS: Electronic Combat Squadron
EFS: Expeditionary Fighter Squadron
EMTF: Expeditionary Mobility Task Force
EOS: Expeditionary Operations Squadron
ERQS: Expeditionary Rescue Squadron
FG: Fighter Group
FLTG: Flight Test Group
FLTS: Flight Test Squadron
FS: Fighter Squadron
FW: Fighter Wing
FTG: Flying Training Group
FTS: Flying Training Squadron
FTU: Formal Training Unit
FTW: Flying Training Group
HF: Helicopter Flight
HQ USEUCOM: Headquarters US European Command
HS: Helicopter Squadron
IAP: International Airport
JRB: Joint Reserve Base
MAP: Municipal Airport
MATS: Material Squadron
MXW: Maintenance Wing
NAS: Naval Air Station
OG: Operations Group
OL: Operating Location
OS: Operations Squadron
(P): Provisional
PAG: Presidential Airlift Group
PAS: Presidential Ailift Group
PFDTI: Production Flight test Installation
RAF: Royal Air Force
RAP: Rescue Flight
RQG: Rescue Group
RQS: Rescue Squadron
RQW: Rescue Wing
RS: Reconnaissance Squadron
SOG: Special Operations Group
SOS: Special Operations Squadron
SOW: Special Operations Wing
SPW: Space Wing
STG: Special Tactics Group
TACC: Tanker Airlift Control Center
TDY: Temporary Duty
TDG: Test & Evaluation Group
TES: Test & Evaluation Squadron
TESTS: Test Group
TRG: Training Group
TRS: Training Squadron
TRW: Training Wing
TW: Test Wing
USAF: United States Air Force
USAFA: United States Air Force Academy
USAFWS: USAF Weapons School
USCENTCOM: US Central Command
USEUCOM: US European Command
USPACOM: US Pacific Command
USSOUTHCOM: US Southern Command
USSTRATCOM: US Strategic Command
WAP: World Airport
WEG: Weapons Evaluations Group
WRS: Weather Reconnaissance Squadron
WPS: Weapons Squadron