BIO Sensing of California (CA) Δ 13th of January 2014 Ω 5:11 AM

~ Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
~ University of California at Berkeley
~ UC San Diego
~ Science @ Berkeley Lab
~ Racing
~ Abundant Biofuels, Monterey
~ Berkeley & Phycology
~ Pasific Ethanol Inc
~ sense for Ξ
~ Berkeley Researchers Identify Photosynthetic Dimmer Switch
~ The Fleming Group
~ sense for Ξ
~ sense for Ξ
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~ VTT Research
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«BIO Sensing of U.S.


~ Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

»Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

»Marine Flora
ξ the classification of algae and sea grasses is based on morphology, chemistry (photosynthetic pigments, the biochemistry of their storage products and cell walls) and
ξ ultrastructure (the cytological organization, including chloroplasts, mitochondria, microtubules, nucleii and flagella)

»Yanwu Zhang, Ph.D.
ξ Senior Research Specialist
ξ the M.S. degree in Underwater Acoustics Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China
ξ a Senior Research Specialist engaged in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and ocean observing systems
ξ a member of American Geophysical Union (AGU), and a member of Sigma Xi

Ph.D. Yanwu Zhang

Referring to and your role as Senior Research Specialist engaged in AUVs
I decided to contact you if you knew any UAV activities there.

There might also be similarities and common things between UAVs and AUVs.
Our unmanned helicopter (Xi) is designed to be rapidly deployable to remote and demanding theaters.
If the mission target is an offshore target such as oil rig, Xi can drop smart bobs with wireless undersea sensors.
Do you know there any wireless sensor experts ?

Xi helicopter is designed to be fueled by liquid hydrogen. Hydrogen for Xi will be produced using environment friendly methods.
We call it BIO-LH2. For example hydrogen produced from algaes. Do you know there any algaes experts ?

Base station (Base4Xi) is designed to support several Xi helicopters for longer missions.
At sea it could locate at an oil rig, ship, boat. There might be similarities between UAV base stations and
AUV base/control stations. Do you know there any base/control station experts ?

In your impressive experience "Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China" got my attension.
We embedded
Ξ(Xi) it into our brand yourDragonXi so that Ξ depicts helicopter (rotary wing air vehicle).
You propably know what Xi depicts in Chinese language ?

At you'll see a short flash about Xi. Site is based on Plone/Zope CMS
and requires login so that ideas can be changed between partner confidentially. You & MBARI would be a welcome menber !

Best regards,

Dear Douglas Au, Director of Engineering,

Referring to I decided to contact you to explore collaboration possibilities.

There might be similarities and common things between UAVs and AUVs ?

Our unmanned helicopter (Xi) is designed to be rapidly deployable to remote and demanding theaters.
If the mission target is an offshore target such as oil rig, oil spill, Xi can drop smart bobs with wireless undersea sensors.
Onshore Xi drops wireless ad-hoc sensors which create sensor networks and upload sensored data to Xi, which
downloads sensor data to its base station (Base4Xi) to be filtered for reasoning and analysis.

Xi helicopter is designed to be fueled by liquid hydrogen. Hydrogen for Xi will be produced using environment friendly methods.
We call it BIO-LH2. For example hydrogen produced from algaes. Do you know there any algaes experts ?

Base4Xi is designed to support several Xi helicopters for longer missions.
At sea it could locate at an oil rig, ship, boat. There might be similarities between UAV base stations and
AUV base/control stations. Do you know there any base/control station experts ?

At you'll see a short flash about Xi. Site is based on Plone/Zope CMS
and requires login so that ideas can be changed between partner confidentially. You & MBARI would be a welcome menbers !

Best regards,

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~ University of California at Berkeley

»Mutant Algae Is Hydrogen Factory
ξ engineered a strain of pond scum that could, with further refinements, produce vast amounts of hydrogen through photosynthesis
ξ the work led by plant physiologist Tasios Melis
ξ Melis got involved in this research when he and Michael Seibert figured out how to get hydrogen out of green algae by restricting sulfur from their diet
ξ the plant cells flicked a long-dormant genetic switch to produce hydrogen instead of carbon dioxide
ξ but the quantities of hydrogen they produced were nowhere near enough to scale up the process commercially and profitably
ξ Melis’ truncated antennae mutants are a big step in that direction (efficiency)
ξ Seibert and others including James Lee at Oak Ridge National Laboratories and J. Craig Venter at the Venter Institute in Rockville, Maryland)
ξ are trying to adjust the hydrogen-producing pathway so that it can produce hydrogen 100 percent of the time
ξ the vision of a hydrogen-powered economy based on algae farms in desert areas
ξ some algae are also viewed as an ideal source for biodiesel because they can produce oils at a much higher rate than other plants

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~ UC San Diego

On Beyond: Biology and the Future / Dean of Biology Steve Kay
ξ 4 mile radius 29 000 people participate in bio/life science
ξ over 200 companies founded using UCSD ideas
ξ can be an agent for change; global health/how brain works; environment/eco systems; to build stronger economy/new fuels
ξ new ways to make fuels
ξ bio-fuel ? fuel security; we will run out !
ξ looking inside plants; biological factories; unlock factories; encourage those factories;
ξ investors investing to companies which could produce bio-fuels
ξ algae ! Scripps ! Jacobs School of Engineering !


»Gene That Controls Ozone Resistance of Plants Could Lead to Drought-Resistant Crops
ξ EU countries such as Finland !
ξ biologists elucidated the mechanism of a plant gene that controls the amount of atmospheric ozone entering a plant’s leaves
ξ it provides a new tool for geneticists to design plants with an ability to resist droughts by regulating the opening and closing of their stomata
ξ —the tiny breathing pores in leaves through which gases and water vapor flow during photosynthesis and respiration
ξ Jean Chin oversees membrane protein grants at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which partially funded the research
ξ biologists at UCSD, University of Helsinki in Finland, University of Tartu in Estonia and the University of the West of England
ξ while this protective mechanism minimizes the damage to plants,
ξ it also minimizes their ability to photosynthesize when ozone levels are high,
ξ because the stomatal pores are also the breathing holes in leaves through which carbon dioxide enters leaves
ξ the result is diminished plant growth or at least less than one might expect given the rising levels of carbon dioxide

Jaakko Kangasjarvi and his collaborators at the University of Helsinki in Finland
ξ found a mutant form of the common mustard plant, Arabidopsis, that was extremely sensitive to ozone
ξ they next found that this mutant does not close its stomatal pores in response to ozone stress
ξ when the mutant plant is exposed to ozone, the leaves lose their dark green color and eventually become white
ξ Kangasjarvi is also one of the principal authors of the study
ξ this is because the stomatal pores in the leaves stay open even in the presence of high ozone and are unable to protect the plant

SLAC1 ξ the scientists found that the gene responsible for the mutation is essential for the function
ξ they called it a “slow or S-type anion channel”
ξ anions are negatively charged ions
ξ these particular anion channels are located within specialized cells called guard cells that surround the stomatal pores
ξ the gene was therefore named SLAC1 for “slow anion channel 1”

ξ the opening and closing of stomatal pores also regulates water loss from plants
ξ understanding the genetic and biochemical mechanisms that control the guard cells during closing of the stomatal pores in response to stress
ξ can have important applications for agricultural scientists seeking to genetically engineer crops and other plants capable of withstanding severe droughts

»Kim McDonald

»Study Finds Future ‘Battlegrounds’ for Conservation Very Different to Those in Past
ξ biologists developed a series of global maps
ξ maps show where projected habitat loss and climate change are expected to drive the need for future reserves to prevent biodiversity loss
ξ Indonesia and Madagascar are in globally threatened and endemic species-rich, developing tropical nations
ξ and have the fewest resources for conservation!
ξ Walter Jetz, an assistant professor of biological sciences at UC San Diego, headed the study
ξ tropical countries are currently sitting on vast tracts of forests that are substantial carbon sinks
ξ if they can get adequate financial help to protect these habitats, both global climate change and biodiversity loss could be mitigated

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~ Science @ Berkeley Lab

»Science @ Berkeley Lab

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~ Racing

»Leilani Munter
»Carbon Free Girl

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Dear Sirs,
S&S is a private California corporation.
We are looking partners to develop solutions to our unmanned helicopter (Xi) fueled by a bio-fuel.
We have a partner capable to design and manufacture the engine for Xi.
However, we needed a partner having bio-fuel knowledge.
Xi will be rapidly deployed by a fixed wing aircraft.
The base station for Xi will be deployed by a manned helicopter.
All these air vehiles should be fueled by bio-fuel.
What kind of biofuels belong to RENTECH's portfolio and/or development plans:
1) liquid hydrogen (LH2) ?
2) bio-diesel ?
3) BIO-LH2 from bio sources ?
4) LNG ?
5) other, what ?

Best regards
Chief BIO Officer

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~ Abundant Biofuels, Monterey

»Abundant Bio Fuels

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~ Berkeley & Phycology

»Green Algae
»Other Phycological Catalogs

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~ Pasific Ethanol Inc

»Pasific Ethanol Inc

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~ Berkeley Researchers Identify Photosynthetic Dimmer Switch

»Berkeley Researchers Identify Photosynthetic Dimmer Switch

The study of the molecular mechanisms plants protect themselves from oxidation damage should they absorb too much sunlight during photosynthesis
ξ researchers discovered a molecular “dimmer switch”
ξ it helps control the flow of solar energy moving through the system of light harvesting proteins
ξ holds important implications for the future design of artificial photosynthesis systems
ξ that could provide the world with a sustainable and secure source of energy

View of the Photosystem II (PSII) supercomplex of light-harvesting proteins
ξ energy-quenching takes place in the D1 and D2 proteins, which are surrounded by the CP29, CP26 and CP24 proteins
ξ CP29, CP26 and CP24 serve as valves controlling the flow of solar energy through the energy-quencing areas

The pigment-binding protein CP29
ξ one of the “minor” light-harvesting proteins in green plants
ξ has been identified as a valve that permits or blocks the critical release of excess solar energy during photosynthesis
ξ opening and closing of this valve could be controlled by raising or lowering ambient pH levels

Graham Fleming
ξ a physical chemist who holds joint appointments with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and
ξ the University of California (UC) at Berkeley
ξ one the leaders of this study
ξ “This is really the first detailed picture ever obtained of the molecular mechanism behind the regulation of light harvesting energy,”
ξ “We believe we will soon be in position to build a complete model of the flow of energy through the photosynthetic light harvesting system
ξ that will include how the flow is controlled
ξ This model could then be applied to the engineering of artificial versions of photosynthesis.”

The results of this study
ξ reported in the journal Science (May 9, 2008) in a paper entitled:
ξ “Architecture of a Charge-Transfer State Regulating Light Harvesting in a Plant Antenna Protein.”
ξ Co-authoring the paper with Fleming, Niyogi and Bassi were
ξ Tae Kyu Ahn, Thomas Avenson, Matteo Ballottari and Yuan-Chung Cheng.

Through photosynthesis
ξ green plants are able to harvest energy from sunlight and
ξ convert it to chemical energy at an energy transfer efficiency rate of approximately 97 percent
ξ If scientists can create artificial versions of photosynthesis,
ξ the dream of solar power as the ultimate green and renewable source of electrical energy could be realized
ξ However, a potential pitfall for any sunlight-harvesting system is that
ξ if the system becomes overloaded with absorbed solar energy,
ξ it most likely will suffer some form of damage
ξ Plants solve this problem on a daily basis with a photo-protective mechanism called energy-quenching

ξ Excess energy, detected by changes in pH levels,
ξ is safely dissipated from one molecular system to another,
ξ where it can then be routed down relatively harmless chemical reaction pathways.

Fleming's explanation
ξ “This defense mechanism is so sensitive to changing light conditions, it will even respond to the passing of clouds overhead.”

Krishna Niyogi
ξ holds a joint appointment with Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley

Roberto Bassi
ξ of the University of Verona, Italy.
Graham Fleming (center) shown here with Tae Ahn (left) and Yuan-Chung Cheng, post-doctoral researchers in his group, were among the co-authors of a paper in the journal Science that provided the first detailed picture ever obtained of the molecular mechanism behind the regulation of light harvesting energy during photosynthesis. In 2005, Fleming and his research group identified zeaxanthin, a member of the carotenoid family of pigment molecules, as the safety outlet in the photo-protection of green plants. A plant’s light harvesting system consists of two protein complexes, Photosystem I and Photosystem II. Each complex features antennae made up of chlorophyll and carotenoid molecules that gain extra “excitation” energy when they capture photons. Fleming and his group found that intense exposure to light triggers the formation of zeaxanthin molecules in Photosystem II. These zeaxanthin molecules interact with excited chlorophyll molecules and dissipate the excess energy via a charge-transfer mechanism - zeaxanthin gives up an electron to the chlorophyll, bringing the chlorophyll’s energy back down to its ground state and turning the zeaxanthin into a radical cation which, unlike an excited chlorophyll molecule, is a non-oxidizing agent. However, until now a critical piece to the puzzle was missing - they did not know how the chlorophyll and zeaxanthin interaction was being regulated. “If this were the murder mystery board game Clue, you could say that we had found the weapon (zeaxanthin) but didn’t know how and precisely where the crime took place,” Fleming said. Fleming and his colleagues knew where to look, however. Recently they’d used near-infrared absorption spectroscopy to demonstrate that the generation of the zeaxanthin radical cation occurs exclusively in the three minor light-harvesting proteins, C29, CP26 and CP24. To determine whether one or all of the minor complexes were responsible for production of the energy-quenching cation, they expressed CP29, CP26 and CP24 in bacteria and reconstituted them in vitro with chlorophyll, zeaxanthin and other Photosystem II proteins. They then used ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy to follow the energy trail on the femtosecond timescale (a femtosecond is one millionth of a billionth of a second) of the energy-quenching process. “Our findings showed that energy-quenching occurs within all three minor complexes, which is consistent with the results of previous genetic and spectroscopic analyses that indicated no single antenna protein is specifically required for quenching to take place,” said Fleming. This homology structure model of the CP29 protein shows eight chlorophyll and and two carotenoid binding sites (L1 and L2). The structure was constructed based on homology data, mutational analyses, circular dichroism and spectroscopic results. Chlorophylls A1 and A2 are located in the L1 carotenoid binding pocket, whereas chlorophylls A4 and A5, and B5 and B6 are close to the L2 site. To learn more about how the energy quenching process works, Fleming and his colleagues focused their efforts on C29 because the genetics and molecular architecture of this protein have been well characterized and the supply of known mutations is ample. Their findings suggest that the change in pH as a result of excess solar energy results in CP29 undergoing a conformational change which alters the reduction potential of excitonically-coupled chlorophyll molecules. This then promotes the charge-transfer with zeaxanthin that produces radical cations. Furthermore, it appears that this conformational change is reversible, which opens the possibility of being able to “tune” the electronic coupling between the chlorophylls and thereby modulate the energy of the chlorophylls-zeaxanthin charge-transfer state. In other words, they should be able to switch the energy-quenching process on or off. “The next step is to examine the energy quenching mechanism in the rest of the Photosystem II complex to see how it is used to regulate the flow of energy throughout the light harvesting system,” said Fleming. Support for this research came from the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Sciences through its Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division. Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located in Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific research and is managed by the University of California. Visit our Website at Additional Information For more information on the research of Graham Fleming, visit his Website at For more information on the research of Krishna Niyogi, visit his Website at For more information on the research of Roberto Bassi, visit his Website at

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~ The Fleming Group

»The Fleming Group

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~ VTT Research

»VTT Research

The low carbon fuel standard
ξ the world's first standard of greenhouse gases (GHG) for transportation fuels, was established in California
ξ by 2020, the standard will reduce the carbon intensity of California's passenger vehicle fuels by at least 10%
ξ fuel providers are required to ensure that the fuels they sell meet a declining standard
ξ this is expected to replace 20% of gasoline with lower-carbon fuels
ξ place more than 7 million alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles on roads

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